Complaints Handling Procedures

We are committed to treating our customers fairly. However, we realise that there may be times when things go wrong. If this happens, please write to:

Managing Director at: Choose Your Insurance, The Estate Office, Shadrack, Berry Pomeroy Totnes, Devon, TQ9, 6LR, phone 0330 111 3998 or email [email protected].

We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days of receiving it.

Within 8 weeks of receipt of your complaint with will endeavour to provide you with a final decision. If we are not able to provide a final decision at that time we will explain why, the reasons for the delay and an expected time frame for providing you with a final decision.

If you require a copy of any information, including policy terms and conditions, in large font or audio material please call us on 01803 416 283 or email [email protected]. If you are deaf or have a hearing impairment or you have difficulty with your speech, you can access the Next Generation Text (NGT) service’.